Why I'm Starting a Blog

There's a million great computer science blogs out there, so why am I starting one?

The Joy of Sharing

Perhaps most importantly, I simply feel like it. I keep a programming journal where I record things I’ve learned, notes about projects, and other random thoughts about programming. While I love writing for myself — it really helps me clear my mind and sort out information — there are a lot of things that I’ve wanted to share with a public audience.

Explaining the Amateur Experience

For pure computer science posts, I want to focus on the process of developing production applications as an amateur. When I first began programming, I didn’t really know where to start. I found a ton of excellent coding tutorials on YouTube, but these were often too contained, and didn’t provide a bigger picture. On the other hand, I found blogs and videos from professionals giving commentary about the bigger picture, but most of these flew right over my head as I didn’t have the knowledge to fully understand.

I want to really outline some of the projects I’ve done from start to finish, explaining the challenges I’ve felt, the mistakes I’ve made, and the lessons I’ve learned along the way. While every programmer and project is different, I think that by reading about the experiences of someone else, beginners may better understand a path that exists to coding and publishing applications.

My Love for Education

Education is perhaps my true passion. I love everything about it: educational psychology, educational policy, study strategies, time management, etc. With that, I’ve developed a lot of opinions over the years about different aspects of education, particularly about the intersection between education and technology. While I enjoy talking to people about education face-to-face, a blog is a better platform to share these opinions with a wider audience.

A Princeton Perspective

A lot of high school students (myself included) seek out information about what life is like as a student at an Ivy League university. Some students have already created blogs and videos about Princeton, but the variety of experiences is just so vast, that I feel that more perspectives are always valuable. There is so much about Princeton that I’d love to share with people, and that I would’ve loved to know about as a high schooler.

Improving my Writing Skills

Last, I want to improve my writing and public communication skills. For most things, I believe in a learn-by-doing approach, and through writing a (somewhat) weekly blog, I hope to become a much more coherent and eloquent writer.

Thank you for reading along, and I hope you enjoy my blog :)